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Media Campaign: Sharing

Client: Whittier Rio Hondo AIDS Project
Title: “Sharing”
Goal: Increase HIV testing among Latino women

Producing a PSA campaign about HIV testing presented several challenges, first creating a compelling PSA that resonates with our target audience of Latino women, stands out from other spots, and receives significant airtime. 

Broadcasters were once required by the Federal Communications Commission to donate a certain amount of airtime to PSAs to fulfill an obligation to operate in the public interest - but no more. Now in the interest of deregulation, stations largely police themselves according to recommendations from the National Broadcast Association. Not only did the PSA need to have a clear message with memorable content, we had to inspire station managers to air the PSA often.

Solution: We pitched the Women In Film Los Angeles PSA Program with a highly stylized concept that used blind folds and the party game “suck and blow” as a visual metaphor for the risk of starting a new relationship without knowing your partner's HIV status. We created a branded look that made the spot easily recognizable by emphasizing the symbolic colors black, white and red. The television spots were produced in English and Spanish.

To increase the likelihood of airtime, we also created a custom-designed package to deliver the spot to local stations, along with posters, and a calendar and postcards for the client to send reminders to station managers to air the PSA during national HIV awareness days. Delivering the television spot in memorable branded packages and sending branded postcard reminders resulted in the PSA airing 406 times in the first year, an estimated value of nearly $45,000. The PSA continues to air today.

/Press/Alumni Profile from Designmatters