Film: Las Chicas
Client: Aspire TV Network
Title: “Las Chicas"
Logline: A short film on dating, race, gender, and who we decide is worth seeing
Synopsis: Las Chicas is about three roommates who share music, beer, makeup and an unexpected exchange on the racial politics of dating in a single evening. A humorous short film set in the MacArthur Park neighborhood of downtown Los Angeles, Las Chicas tackles the issue of colorism in the Los Angeles dating scene with wit and heart. The story revolves around three roommates as they help their romantically-challenged friend Elizabeth prepare for a date. Their deep seated belief systems are challenged as the friends struggle to accept what Elizabeth believes is the source of her dating frustrations - her dark skin.
The film was shot by LA-based photographer Edward Cushenberry, whose images have been featured in Dazed and Confused, Vice, and The Fader. Las Chicas premiered at the Picture Farm Film Festival on March 25, 2017 and aired on national television on August 1, 2017 for the 6th season of cable network Aspire TV’s ABFF Independent Series hosted by David Banner.