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Media Campaign: Introduce A Girl To Engineering

Client: USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Title: “Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day”
Goal: Encourage girls to consider careers in engineering

The gender disparity in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) is well documented. Our challenge was to move beyond the statistics about girls and women in STEM to create a promotional video that engaged girls’ interest in engineering.

The video was commissioned to be released in time for Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day, an international event celebrated during Engineers Week each year and created to expose students and their parents to the field of engineering. Our challenge was to create a video that stood out among existing online videos on the subject by accomplishing what they did not — shifting the focus from the problem to the girls themselves.

Solution: We constructed a metaphor comparing engineers to superheroes with an animated narrator who asked girls, “if they were superheroes, what they would save the world from?” The video included girls ages 8 to 12 from Los Angeles public and charter schools and profiled the research of women engineers at USC Viterbi. Within hours of promoting the video’s release on Twitter and Facebook, it received over 10,000 views and was shared by Physics Today, Women in Research, IEEE Women in Engineering, PopSugar, the National Academy of Engineering and the National Science Foundation. “Introduce a Girl To Engineering Day” is now listed #1 on Edutopia’s 5-Minute Film Festival for girls in STEM.